Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Golf Goals for 2010

The year 2009 was a big year for me in terms of golf -- and it was for a number of reasons, which I am sure you are dying to know. By way of history, I played high school golf from 1999-2003, and following high school graduation I pretty much gave up playing regularly. Once I decided not to pursue golf in college, finding the time or funds to play became difficult, and from 2003-2007 I played an average of three times per year.

That all changed in 2009, as I probably played 20 times this past summer. I can’t really point to one reason why, but I’ve once again become as obsessed with the game as I was during my high school years. In addition to playing more golf, I watched more golf, read more about golf, and even began this golf blog. Needless to say, I am hoping 2010 has even more golf-related fun.

In looking forward to 2010, I figured it may be worthwhile to set some golf-related goals for the upcoming year. I don’t recall ever setting goals related to golf, however, perhaps it will lead to some good golf moments in the coming year.
  • Lower Handicap by 2 Strokes -- this is the first year since high school that I’ve actually had an official handicap, and it stayed pretty steady through 2009 (right around 13). Ideally I’d like it to become single digits, but since I’m not sure how many rounds I will squeeze in during 2010, I think it is a bit more realistic to hope to lower it by two strokes.
  • Practice More -- this would obviously lend to success in accomplishing goal numero uno, but I think I need to focus on how I practice in 2010. I spent a fair amount of time practicing toward the second half of this year -- almost entirely on the short game, and I do believe I saw the benefits on the course. I’d like to do some significant research into how I can maximize my practice time, to get the most bang for my buck (or my hour). To set a number, I would like to spend at least two hours every two weeks.
  • Learn to Putt -- If I could, I think I would like to blow up my putting stroke and start from scratch. I think there is more wrong with my stroke than there is right, and I think it needs a lot of help. Many average golfers cite ups and downs with their putting stroke, but I am struggling to think of the last time I was putting it well. I’m willing to put the time in on the practice green (especially since its free) -- but need to make sure that time is actually helping rather than reinforcing bad habits.
  • Play More New Courses -- one of things I most enjoyed during 2009 was playing new golf courses -- I think I count seven new courses last year, and I would like to tally at least that many in 2010. Off the top of my head I can think of several I would really like to play, to include PB Dye, Whisky Creek, Renditions, and some of the courses run by the City of Baltimore. (Obviously with each new course played should come a course review, so really this goal is beneficial for all.)
  • Find a Golf League -- I have long wanted to find a golf league to join, as most of my local friends don’t play the game, and I think that such a league would allow more golf in a semi-competitive atmosphere. Big issue is where to play, as there are few courses very close to my home, so need to figure out which out-of-town course would be the easiest to play at.
  • Walk More -- perhaps my biggest criticism of golf courses in the Baltimore/Washington metropolitan area is that they are almost entirely not-walkable. Growing up in Northeast Ohio, there was maybe one course in a 50-mile radius which I would choose to ride instead of walking, however, in Maryland it is almost a complete reversal. Many of the courses in the area feature absurdly long distances between holes -- such that while I am walking from the green to the next tee, the group behind me in the cart could probably play the hole and drive on by while I’m walking to the next tee. If there were one or two holes on a course where this was the norm I could accept it -- but at almost every course there are half a dozen such instances. I’m on the hunt for regional golf courses that are walkable -- if anyone knows of any, please let me know!
  • Blog More!! -- with this being the first full year for this blog -- I think one of my biggest goals will be to blog more. I have some ideas for some routine features (golf site of the week, etc) as well as a growing list of stories that focus on golf related items here in Maryland. I love the writing, as well as the research and interviewing process, so if there is ever anything you’d like to see, please feel free to drop a line.
Well I think that’s a good start for 2010 -- financial implications obviously dictate how much of this list is truly a success, so here’s hoping for a financially fruitful new year.

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised one of your goals isn't to take more of my money.
